Minimum Spanning Tree
A minimum-spanning-tree is a tree (without cycles) connecting all the vertices and with the smallest cost.
Comparison of Kruskal's Algorithm and Prim's Algorithm
Prim's (O(ElogV)
) is more performant on dense graph. Kruskal's (O(ElogE)
) is more performant on sparse graph.
Algorithm Type
Edge Selection
Chooses the minimum-weight edge connected to the current MST.
Sorts all edges by weight and adds them to the MST if they don't form a cycle.
Data Structures Used
Priority queue or min-heap (to efficiently select the minimum-weight edge).
Disjoint-set data structure (to check for cycles).
O(V^2) using an adjacency matrix, O(E + V log V) using a binary heap for dense graphs.
O(E log E) to sort the edges, O(E log V) to process all edges and find MST using disjoint-set.
More efficient for dense graphs (E is close to V^2).
Suitable for sparse graphs (E is much less than V^2).
Network design, clustering, road planning, maze generation, etc.
Network design, cluster analysis, image segmentation, etc.
Cycle Handling
Doesn't directly deal with cycles; relies on the connectedness of the graph.
Detects and avoids cycles explicitly.
Yields a single MST rooted at a selected vertex.
Yields a forest of MSTs initially; they combine into a single MST as more edges are added.
1584. Min Cost to Connect All Points (Medium) Dense Graph. Prim is better.
Last updated
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