Minimum Spanning Tree

A minimum-spanning-tree is a tree (without cycles) connecting all the vertices and with the smallest cost.

Comparison of Kruskal's Algorithm and Prim's Algorithm

Prim's (O(ElogV)) is more performant on dense graph. Kruskal's (O(ElogE)) is more performant on sparse graph.

Prim's Algorithm
Kruskal's Algorithm

Algorithm Type



Edge Selection

Chooses the minimum-weight edge connected to the current MST.

Sorts all edges by weight and adds them to the MST if they don't form a cycle.

Data Structures Used

Priority queue or min-heap (to efficiently select the minimum-weight edge).

Disjoint-set data structure (to check for cycles).


O(V^2) using an adjacency matrix, O(E + V log V) using a binary heap for dense graphs.

O(E log E) to sort the edges, O(E log V) to process all edges and find MST using disjoint-set.


More efficient for dense graphs (E is close to V^2).

Suitable for sparse graphs (E is much less than V^2).


Network design, clustering, road planning, maze generation, etc.

Network design, cluster analysis, image segmentation, etc.

Cycle Handling

Doesn't directly deal with cycles; relies on the connectedness of the graph.

Detects and avoids cycles explicitly.


Yields a single MST rooted at a selected vertex.

Yields a forest of MSTs initially; they combine into a single MST as more edges are added.


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