Twitter News Feed (Timeline)

  • Home timeline: fan-out write

  • Search: fan-out read

Home Timeline

Each write is fanned out 3 times for redundancy purpose.

We query the Social Graph Service to fan out the write to all the followers.

Every write is consist of:

  1. tweet ID: the sent tweet

  2. user ID: the sender's ID

  3. bits: miscellaneous product related bits.

max limit: 800 tweets in your timeline

If you are not a active user (logged in in the last 30 days), we don't fan out write into your timeline.

If your cache is empty, we will reconstruct your timeline.

Earlybird is a modified version of Lucene.

Twitter mainly rank the contents based on:

  1. Re-tweet

  2. Like

  3. Reply

The home timeline requires O(n) write and O(1) read

The search timeline requires O(1) write and O(n) read

Improve fanout write

Race condition:

  1. Lady gaga sends out tweet

  2. I retweet or reply

  3. My fanout write is done before Lady gaga's is done.

400 million tweets a day, 4600 tweets a second

Merge home timeline and search timeline.

Don't fanout write for users with large number of followers. Only do fan out for users with small number of followers.



Last updated